
Dream II – Battles Worth Fighting

Dear Prophetic Partners in Destiny,

Warmest Greetings and sincere love from Mum and I!

There are always 2 battles for each victory. The first battle is to win what is lost and the second battle is to keep what has been gained. The dream on Jan 3rd has to do with both of these battles. God wants us to be faithful and guard what He has entrusted to us. He wants us to value what He has given to us because the things He has entrusted to us brings life and heals the nations. We are standing as His representatives here on earth creating a portal to bring heaven to earth. Only those who live in the Kingdom and who are cleansed and qualified have the stature to preach and proclaim the Gospel of the kingdom. We can proclaim the beginning of a new dawn, a coming forth of the kingdom of God in the midst of His people.

The kingdom of God is not in eating or drinking but one based on values of righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Ghost. When we are born again, we receive the offer to inherit the kingdom and become joint heirs with Christ to rule and reign in the nations. We are first called to rule spiritually in the heavenly realm and in the earthly domain. Then when we qualify in this, we will reign with Christ in His millennium kingdom. We must enter into His Kingdom by choosing to do His will (Matt 7: 21).

Explicit obedience gives us the access code to enter into His Kingdom. When we receive the Word of the kingdom we are Born Again. When we live out the life of the kingdom we find entrance into the Kingdom and are now called the sons of the kingdom (Matt 13: 38). When we enter into the kingdom and live the life of the kingdom the Holy Spirit continues a deeper work and cleanses us. He fashions our life into the image and likeness of the Begotten Son. This inner cleansing qualifies us to be joint heirs with Him. It is through this, that the spirit of adoption is transferred (Eph 1:5). The transfer of Legacy through the adoption includes all spiritual blessings in the heavenly places (Eph 1:3).


The Dream that God gave me on Jan 3rd includes what God has transferred to us in ISAAC


i.) He has given to us the revelation on the dynamics and dimensions of the life in the Spirit. These includes walking in the Spirit and building in the Spirit. We are filled with the Spirit so that we can flow with the Holy Spirit. We must flow with the Spirit so that we can form lives and reform the church and rebuild the city.

ii.) God has given us pure doctrines and a deeper understanding of the word of God. The Spirit of Revelation and Wisdom has given us understanding and has opened the scriptures and renewed our minds. Pure doctrine has allowed us to know the mind of Christ and the matters pertaining to His will and purposes on the earth.

iii.) God has given us an excellent base for strong covenant relationships to be built and experienced among those who are covenanted and connected. This alliance will form a network of safety and those who are loyal and walk in integrity. We have not only protected the first Generation but also our sons and our sons sons.

iv.) God has given us a fresh understanding of our kingdom mandate that we can influence every domain, impact each generation and transform each nation in our lifetime. We have received the kingdom mandate and understood how to carry it out through our domains. We rejoice that the will of God has been done on earth as it is in heaven. When we receive our license to build the International School another domain has been entrusted to us.

v.) The pattern for building the Church Unusual, reforming the church with the ways and workings of the Holy Spirit have also become our prophetic priority. We are trusting the Holy Spirit will bring accurate reformation into the church so that it’s practices and procedures expresses the ways and the workings of the Holy Spirit. We are leading the Church Unusual into the frontiers of Zion. The church will operate under an open heaven and see supernatural reformation, protection and abundant provision.

This is part of our inheritance the Holy Spirit is reminding us to guard and protect in the days to come. I foresee the spirit of confusion will continue to create controversy and contradictions so that the saints and the elect will be tempted and deceived.

The raging fires in the dream symbolizes the intensity in which these false doctrines will began to hit the earth. In fact, they have already began to hit the earth since 2010, 2 years before the year of plenty began.

The hunters in the dream, represent structures in the kingdoms of this world and systems of man that guide and govern the course of the world. This will include structures of religious organizations and churches that have gone into error. These systems and structures would be like nets that trap men and keep them bound to do the devil’s will (2 Tim 2:26). This will cause the people, to be derailed from their God given destiny and they will not be able to do God’s will as it is in heaven. Those who choose to receive the kingdom message and become determined to live for the King and for the honour of His name will once again rise to rule and exercise dominion in every domain. We must choose to live to produce the fruits of righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Ghost.

I urge you by the mercies of God, that we are to persevere to retain the same standard of truth that has been entrusted to us. We must believe it and live it, we must model the message and minister with transforming power to change the life of others. Touching God must become our passion and changing lives must be our priority.

Let the kingdom come into your lives and increase His governance in and through each one of us. We must fight to keep what we have gained and continue to fight to regain what we may have lost. We are praying for each one of your faith (spiritual domain) will continue to increase and prevail. We are praying that you will have multiplied grace, provisions and wealth (financial domain) so that you can enjoy these with your family and do the will of God collectively as a synergized team (family domain). We are praying that you will have partners and friends with whom you can enjoy all these blessings with.

Receive the faith to live the kingdom lifestyle and be blessed with multiplied wealth so that you may have resources to raise a godly family and find friends to enjoy them with. This is our prayer for you.

Our prayer for your peace and protection will result in your progress and prosperity.

Be Blessed and stay accurately connected in Covenant.

God’s servant,
Dr. Jonathan David


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