
Malaysia, the Time of Your Visitation is Here!


Dear Prophetic Partners in Destiny,

Warmest Greetings and sincere love from Mum and I!

God, having determined the appointed times for each nation (Acts 17:26)

These allotted times set aside for our nation is part of the prophetic time table we are receiving in the spirit realm. The urgency and intensity of the spirit is accelerating the process of drastic irreversible change in the earth.

2015 is the Year of the Kingdom where “Thy Kingdom will come on earth and Thy will be done as it is in heaven.”

This sudden intervention of God in the affairs of our nation began in 2009 and marks the beginning of the National Transformation processes. Since then the Revival Now congress in this nation has been building a strong hope of a better future for all of us in a New Malaysia – Faces Without Races!

The appointed time allotted and set apart for our nation is also the time of her visitation. God has overlooked the times of her ignorance and arrogance. God is NOW declaring to All men that All people everywhere should repent and the nation to return to her destiny. There is an acceleration in the spirit realm moving people groups towards His plans and purposes.
God is furnishing proof that the Lord Jesus Christ is risen from the dead and He is revealing Himself as the Sovereign King and Governor of the Nations. The Christ is been revealed and He is manifesting to and among His people. The Lord whom we seek will suddenly appear in the temple and cause a powerful reformation in His Church. The hand of God has been heavy in the churches that are rising in the Spirit. Through the inspiration and revelation of God these churches are beginning to take their place in history by becoming world changers and city takers. God will place the prophetic and proceeding word into them so that they will rise and rebuild their city and community.

Right now the church in Malaysia is sitting in the valley of dry bones. The church must take the responsibility to become God’s primary agent of change. While the church sits in the valley of dry bones, the nation is becoming more despondent and disappointed unlike any other time before in the history of our land. The nation is groaning, the earth is groaning and the Spirit of God is groaning within us. All of creation wants to become free from slavery to corruption and come into the freedom of the glory of the sons of God.

The church sitting in this valley must yield to God wholeheartedly and learn by the Spirit to receive the prophetic dimension that will give them access to the word of the Lord.

The church will see a tremendous favor of God and through His empowering grace preserving the people under her covering and care. This empowering grace released upon His church will cause them to rise above the changing political, social and spiritual climate of our day. We will rise above the intimidation of the “race and religious” issues. We are about to see His Kingdom manifestation in our nation as we turn our hearts and mind and return to God and our prophetic destiny. This is a time of change in the attitudes, focus and direction of God’s people. We must not allow the fear mongers and other confusing noise of those in and around the church to overwhelm us. There is a sovereign God and there are genuine prophets in this land.

  • God is about to ACT because of His Name (Ez 36:22)
  • God is about to ACT because that is His nature (vs. 23)
  • God is about to ACT because He has spoken His word (vs. 36)
  • God is about to ACT because His Spirit is here (vs. 26, 27)
  • God is about to ACT because He has released His provision (vs. 28-35)
  • God is about to ACT in accordance to His purpose (vs. 23, 36)
  • God is about to ACT because of His people (vs. 28, 37, 38)

God has specifically set the allotted and appointed time for His intervention in the affairs of men. He is setting eternity in our hearts and we need to allow the Holy Spirit to stir our spirit and inspire us of the greater future of a New Malaysia.

This is my personal conviction and belief that 2009 till 2030 is the window of opportunity that God has set for Malaysia. The last 6 years have been a progressive change in the people, policies and politicians. Many significant processes of the Spirit and the dimension of God’s purposes are interlinked and integrated together. These 21 years are like the 21 days that Daniel was given while he interceded for his nation. Though his prayers were already answered on the 1st day, the angelic messenger Gabriel had to pass through the demonic blockade of the strongman. Keep pushing the heavens as we are set in the valley of dry bones.

God spoke to us at our Global Leaders Summit 2015 not to prophesy that something is going to happen but tell them what will eventually happen. This is the first of the series of revelation that God has given for our nation, A New Malaysia – Faces Without Races.

The hand of God is heavy on God’s people. The Holy Spirit must put the material and substance of God’s prophetic word in our mouth so that we can preach, pray and prophesy until revival comes into our land and reformation to all our churches.


Our prayer for your peace and protection will result in your progress and prosperity.

Be Blessed and stay accurately connected in Covenant.

God’s servant,
Dr. Jonathan David


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