12 APRIL 2020

by Dr. Jonathan David


Upon the resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ, put hope back into the hearts of men. From Passover to Pentecost, God will wipe out the virus out of the nations. God is putting a restraining order on the works of the enemy. Angelic beings everywhere are bringing God’s government down on the earth. The circumstances will not hold us back but we will see the negative results become positive. God is giving a new day and bringing the powers of darkness out of the way.

2 Kings 4

What do you have in the house? A jar of oil.

The oil is the source of our miracle. It is already in the house. God always provide before anything happen. God will continue to provide until the rest of our lives. Just don’t harden our heart as in the past but be yielded to God. What we have in the house may not be significant. The oil may be insufficient or look insignificant to those who don’t see the supernatural dimension of the Holy Ghost. God will always come through for us with flying colors. We must see the overall picture of everything.

Oil symbolizes gladness and the joy of the Holy Ghost. It acknowledges the Presence of God that there is fullness of joy. It is used to anoint king and priests. It’s used for healing and binding wounds. Fresh oil is coming.

We cannot trade the supernatural deposits of God in our lives to meet natural things.  Don’t sell our birthright. The 5000 people cannot be fed until we value what we have in our hands. Sometimes we don’t understand the value and worth. If we don’t understand what we are hearing, the devil will take away the seed. When we have revelation, understanding and wisdom, our miracles will come faster. Whatever that God placed in our lives will be the source of our miracle.

When Samuel anointed David, from that day onwards, David carried Samuel’s anointing in his life. From that day onwards, the Holy Spirit came in a great way. First the lion, then the bear. Many giants are coming down through our lives. The sickness can be like the giant against us or the nations. From this we can see how weak the government and administrations are.

What God placed inside us is our future. Take back the future from the hands of those who are leading us to away where God is leading.

The oil is the source of our miracle. God puts in the provision before the need arise. May our eyes be opened, to see what God has deposited in our lives.

In the resurrection day, 50 days after Jesus died, the Holy Spirit came. The answer is in the House.

The jar of oil is the untapped potential. God will show us what is in us. Christ in us the hope of glory. May our eyes be opened to see what God has deposited in our lives.

Jesus had paid the price for us. There’s no other way to be saved.

The amazing thing about this oil is that it must be initiated by the prophetic word. The oil has capacity to increase and multiply. What do we have in the house?

Anytime when there’s a crisis, the second generation will be stuck in between. If we don’t handle the crisis well, our children will be lost. Keep our family together so that no mistakes can victimize us.

It is important for people to speak into our lives so that it can activate our faith. Let the impossible become the possible. The oil in the house will be activated. The word from God’s mouth will quicken and activate the oil. What we carry in our life will increase and multiply. Supernatural faith will arise. Suddenly we will believe what we cannot believe before.

Do we know what we have and what we carry?

Let the word of God activate our faith again. According to His word, let it be. Our eyes will be opened. The oil will only multiply according to the proceeding word. The oil will fill every vessel in the house. The miracle will also continue in the lives of those who are connected to us. Every empty vessel will be full. Each life yielded to Him will come into to the next level of maturity and growth. God will honor those who serve Him and honor them with blessing far beyond measure.

According to the capacity of our heart, God will fill it up. How big is our heart? What kind of passion, desire and capacity do we have? Once the pestilence is over, we will come back with a fresh passion of the Lord Jesus Christ. There will be zeal for His house, passion for worship, intensity of spirit for prayer and deep hunger for His word. Make room in our heart for more of the Holy Spirit and for those around us. Be the source of blessing.

The oil will change the status of our lives in this season of acceleration. We are not just dealing with the crisis now but what comes after the crisis. Life will not go back to normal. Our financial life will be free from debt. We will have an abundance life. Our social life will change. Now we know what is social distancing so that we don’t spread the virus. Carry God’s blessing. Have a new energy to rise.


  1. The oil is the source of your miracle
  2. The oil is already in the house
  3. The oil increases and multiplied by the proceeding word
  4. The oil must fill every vessel in the house
  5. The oil flows according to capacity
  6. The oil stopped only when its assignment was finished
  7. The oil will change the state and status of our lives




© 2015 Dr. Jonathan David | Created by Design Dynamos
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